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We’re located next to Heritage Park beside the Atchelitz Creek in Chilliwack BC

The Atchelitz Threshermen’s AssociationAtchelitz Logo
44146 Luckakuck Way
Chilliwack, BC
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ATA Executive Board & Committees

President: Ray Ramey 6o4-796-8764
Vice-President: Jon Nessel 604-798-2027
Treasurer: Donna Wurst 604-703-1289
Secretary: John Black 604-846-6850
Directors: Drew Hunt
Tom Oostenbrug 604-855-6552
Gordon Jackson
Bill Haynes 604-858-9955
Doug Hunt
Steve Wurst 604-864-1948
Fred Giesler 604-858-7187
Honorary Board
ATA Committees:
Storage Donna Wurst
Membership Donna Wurst 604-703-1289
Booking Ray Ramey 604-792-8599
Library John Black 604-846-6850
Public Relations Ray Ramey
John Black
 Donna Wurst
Museum John Black
Janet Pohl
Deborah Dempster
Donna Wurst
Web Site  Ray Ramey
Newsletter Editor John Black